Welcome to the Virtual Community Conversation on Bullying

Moderator Kevin Epling, a parent advocate and national co-director of Bully Police USA, Defeat the Label’s Jamie Kaniarz and Meemic Foundation Director Pam Harlin welcome viewers to the conference.

Watch the Speakers Sessions on Bullying

“Pretty Powerful: Inspiring Empathy and Self- Esteem Among 21st Century Tweens/Teens”

Rasheda Williams, founder of Empowered Flower Girl, explores how advocates can help youth (especially girls and young women) live above challenges they face in and out of the classroom to cultivate more positive relationships with one another and themselves.

“My Story: A Journey of Passion in Education, Being Trauma Informed”

Hear from Shyam Thakker, who is an award-winning teacher and now a behavior specialist and consultant for the Dearborn School District.

“Creating a Neurodiversity-Affirming Classroom Community”

Franki Bagdade, a local clinical therapist, author and educator, discusses how educators can balance the needs of neurodiverse students students, who often face bullying, with their neurotypical peers.

“Current Status of Matt’s Safe School Law”

Carey DeWitt and Kevin Epling talk about the antibullying legislation Matt’s Law, compliance among Michigan School Districts and the legal effects of noncompliance.

“The Meemic Foundation Regional Teachers of the Year Panel”

Several 2023-24 Michigan regional teachers of the year join Michigan Teacher of the Year Candice Jackson in a lively discussion on a variety of topics.