Welcome to the Virtual Community Conversation on Bullying

Moderator Kevin Epling, a parent advocate and national co-director of Bully Police USA, and Defeat the Label’s Jamie Kaniarz welcome viewers to the conference.

Watch the Speakers Sessions on Bullying

“Returning to a New Normal”

Evie Lynn Breuer, LMSW, CDP, helps us look at trauma through a behavioral lens, start the conversation about our own trauma and take our next steps toward healing. 

“Michigan Regional Teachers of the Year Panel Discussion”

Educators from around the state come together for a wide-ranging conversation about bullying, social norms, what educators are seeing in their schools and classrooms and more,

“Beyond Bullying”

The Anti-Defamation League of Michigan offers this important conversation around “Beyond Bullying: Understanding the Ripple Effect of Biased-Based Incidents and How to Mitigate Harm.”

“Social Media and Youth: Threats and Solutions”

Clayton Cranford, founder of Cyber Safety Cop, helps to assess social media, how it is used in education and how we can help students assess risks and discover solutions.

“Microaggressions 101”

Cornelius Godfrey, M.A. Ed., shows that with reflection and increased attention to our own cultural blind spots, educators can decrease the occurrence and harm from microaggressions.