Welcome to the Meemic Foundation Blog

July 15, 2024


Woo hoo! We’re blogging. What a great platform to chat and share with you the many activities and initiatives in play with The Meemic Foundation and the educational community that we so lovingly serve. As the Foundation Director (I’m Pam Harlin … nice to meet you!), I look forward to the months ahead of interacting with you through this medium.

I’m excited that we’re kicking off this blog now as this isn’t merely another year for the Foundation – it’s our 25th anniversary! In 1992, when Meemic Insurance Company first started The Meemic Foundation for the Future of Education (Whew! Long name!), our initial focus was to provide scholarships to students. A very worthy cause for sure. In 1999, we realized that we could impact even more students if we refocused our mission to funding classrooms with grants. And thus began our current journey that has resulted in millions of dollars in use in classrooms, funding everything from books to technology, field trips to basic classroom supplies. And here’s some exciting news to share – we have $500,000 to give away in 2017! 

One initiative that I’m most excited about is our Together Movement. Bullying, intolerance and disrespect is not merely an annoyance that we can silently shake our heads at in disgust. It has now woven itself into the fabric of our schools and communities. We sadly hear stories daily of its negative impact. We want to use the Together Movement to bring awareness and encourage change so we can be better together. You can certainly expect more about this in future blogs from us as well as from our partners in this endeavor.

Speaking of partners, we are fortunate to work with many outstanding educational organizations and leaders. Through this blog, we hope to give voice to many of their activities as a way for our educational community to network, share and grow.

But the best part of this blog is that we get to hear from you. Your comments are important. Let’s talk and have conversations on topics vital to you, the educational community.  

As I always say, we appreciate you. Thank you for all you do for education. Let’s chat again soon.