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Open Letter to the Introverted Teacher: You're a Natural Leader

While I am only one teacher voicing one humble teacher’s opinion, this open letter is intended for introverted teachers everywhere and the extroverted teachers they work with. Perhaps you are an extrovert who thrives on socialization, and the idea of social interaction and external stimulation energizes you. Maybe you are an introvert like me, requiring time alone to recharge and rejuvenate. Either way, read this with a growth mindset and humor me as I discuss all the benefits of being an introverted teacher.

Will the Test Gods Please Listen?

After the surreal COVID era ended, we missed an excellent opportunity to reset and reimagine our current construct about standardized testing. Our country’s mindset of “get back to normal” at all costs placed our students and educators at a disadvantage. Instead of going back to what we know, I would have loved to see something profound, such as placing a moratorium on standardized testing for a five-year period. Imagine how we could have created a new paradigm to improve or remove standardized testing.

Community Matters in School and Beyond

The power of community is the cornerstone of education. As students start school, we begin making our classroom community, and continue to build and grow that all year long. As we lay the foundation for children to forge positive, safe and meaningful relationships with each other, with their teachers and with other caring adults in school, we teach them that they are a valued member of a learning community.

A Love Letter to Michigan Teachers          

As we begin the month of May, I would like to take the opportunity to send a huge “THANK YOU” to the extraordinary teachers in Michigan who tirelessly help their students and communities flourish, grow and succeed in school and far beyond! Teaching is rewarding, fulfilling, hard, exhausting, exciting, frustrating, beautiful and overwhelming all at the same time. But arguably, teaching is one of the MOST important professions! No other profession influences as many people as teaching does.

Reclaiming Your Classroom by Reinforcing Expectations, Routines and Learning Goals

Ready or not, winter break is approaching fast. The holidays provide a necessary break for students and teachers, allowing them to rest, reflect and prepare for the upcoming semester.

Building Trust and Community with Parent-Teacher Home Visits

As teachers, students and parents all over Michigan get back into the swing of things, the Parent Teacher Home Visit Program (PTHVP) kicks off National Parent Teacher Home Visit Week on Sept. 18, 2023. The goals of the PTHVP are to celebrate parents and educators who prioritize building relationships of trust, generate awareness and support for the PTHVP, and, of course, conduct as many home visits as possible during the week of Sept. 18-23.

Making It in the Middle (School)

When people think back on their time in college and high school, they tend to think about all the fun things they did with their friends, such as dances, football games, extracurriculars and Homecoming parades. When people think back to elementary school, they think about field trips and holiday parties. Not many people like to think back on their time in middle school. It’s awkward and sometimes resembles a soap opera. When I first started teaching, I was 100% closed off to the idea of ever teaching middle school.

5 Teaching Tips from Regional Teacher of the Year Gina Pepin

For her guest blog, Dr. Gina Pepin, the Region 1 Michigan Teacher of the Year, shares a variety of great tips for teachers, especially those new to the profession. These ideas encourage teachers to think outside the box, from knowing yourself to creating a mission and vision with strong goals.

4 Settings Where Learning Is Social and Emotional

Research shows that Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) interventions at school significantly improved skills, attitudes, behaviors, school climate and safety, peer relationships, school functioning, and academic achievements. What is Social and Emotional Learning? SEL teaches children how to deal with feelings, get along with people, make good choices and handle tricky situations. SEL ensures students are clued in emotionally and ready to handle whatever comes their way. SEL helps students ace exams and rock life outside the classroom.

Explore the Community with Place-Based Education

It is a joy and honor to teach in the incredible state of Michigan. From its precious Great Lakes to its diverse urban communities, our state enchants with joy and wonder. One of my favorite things about teaching kindergarten in Michigan is the excitement of exploring all four seasons throughout the year. These experiences create joyful memories that allow young children to create a critical bond with their community and environment.

Making the Community Your Classroom

In a video blog, 2023-24 Michigan Teacher of the Year Candice Jackson talks about using the community as a “laboratory of learning.” Planning field trips and making connections with local business, colleges, educational centers and cultural institutions can give students invaluable experience outside the classroom, foster career interests and teach practical skills.

Acknowledging Student Perspectives: Holiday Break Dilemma

With the holiday season upon us, and the excitement in the air becoming palpable, it’s essential for educators to pause and reflect on the diverse experiences our students bring into the classroom. While many eagerly anticipate the upcoming holiday break, it’s crucial to recognize that not every student shares the same sentiment.